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Easy Mode 1x1 Coaching Program

I help young adults overcome their career, community,
and lifestyle challenges. 

Ultimately, go from "Life is hard" to "Life is EASY!"

Who is this coaching program for?

  • “I’ve gotta find another job. This place sucks. Why am I even here?”

  • “Why is it so hard for me to make friends after college?”

  • “I’ve always thought about exercising, reading, and other good habits. But I’ve never actually followed through.”

  • "I have free time outside of work and some disposable income but I don't know how to use them."

How will this coaching program transform you?

  • You are successful on paper AND feel fulfilled internally

  • You remain connected with close friends AND level up your social circles, feeling like you fully belong

  • You are growth-minded AND your time & money are aligned with that direction

  • You have a lifestyle that serves you AND it doesn't feel hard

If you don’t think you can have all this, then you’re just lying to yourself. How do I know that? Because I was told this lie all my life. And now, after a lot of personal work, I can confidently say I have ALL the things on this second list. My sincere goal is for you to get there too! 

Stuck to GROWTH



Unfulfilled to FULFILLMENT

What’s actually in the coaching program?

  • Weekly 1-hour coaching sessions

  • World-class detail notes and insight after each session

  • Access to me via text whenever you have a question

What have others said?

Live Life on Easy Mode!

"I highly recommend working with Sai! I came into the sessions wanting to improve my social life. He helped me create a mission statement based on my priorities and values. He also pushes me to reevaluate certain beliefs that were holding me back. In the three months I have worked with him, I have gone from having hardly any social interactions to making many new friends and having an active social life every weekend." - Fulfilled Client

"You and your coaching style helped me achieve more clarity and confidence in navigating my career challenge and refinement of a process that works for me to disintegrate the obstacles on my way and create more state of flow in action.

Many of my limiting beliefs and anxieties I had which felt like huge obstacles on my path last year have been transformed into more clarity and confidence by taking action that informs my next step, my next experience, my next goal, my next desire. The mindset shift I made during your coaching and the process that I built for me to be able to take action continuously, empowers me to keep growing towards the version of myself and vision of my life that excites me.

Your coaching style brought more abundance in my life by empowering me to actively make things happen for myself, find more alignment in life, and not limit who I can be.

Sai’s superpower is integration and choice of powerful instrument is his writing. Unlike other coaches, Sai puts in the effort, care, time, and empowering words to connect the dots for the client after every session in a constructive, compassionate feedback where he celebrates the client’s progress and distills the coaching call into insightful guidance towards the next steps.

With his gracious humility, wisdom, kindness, and excitement to work towards larger goals, Sai makes coaching a wholesome process of growth and adventure." -
Vishwa A.


"Inertia is a bitch - it is hard for people to change where they are, whether it is their job, their relationships, their lifestyle or even their location, even if people aren't happy, they continue to exist that way because of how challenging it is to change. I think your life coaching makes it easier to break that change down into smaller more actionable steps with repeat accountability which makes it easier to transform. Personally for me, I think this has helped me understand how to prioritize my time, how to be more efficient but also focused on my career. Since starting coaching, I've transitioned in my career into a role that I enjoy way more, earn a lot more and work less, and that is a result of engineering my life regularly to accomplish it - the life coaching helps do that.

This would be most helpful for that person who really wants to achieve something or is not happy where they are in life and wants a change, but just needs a push to make it happen. Since starting life coaching, I have way more clarity in terms of what I want, how I spend my time and what I am going to accomplish, I feel myself improving." - Keshav P.

"Sai helped me navigate how to create a consistent and healthy routine post-college. In addition, he also helped me navigate my job search and start my career. His guidance has helped me focus on what I seek to do professionally and things to value in a job or workplace.

Sai’s empathy and attentiveness to what motivates someone sets Sai apart from other coaches.

Sai’s style of coaching is holistic in that we’ve always approached any goal or transformation in such a way that there is balance regarding mindset, energy put towards achieving a goal, and the action put towards achieving the goal or transformation.

I believe someone seeking to make a significant lifestyle or professional change could benefit from Sai’s coaching.

Sai’s services are worth the money because they have clarified what I value regarding lifestyle and professionalism, guiding me to live a more intentional and balanced life.

I have enjoyed my coaching relationship with Sai thus far, as it has allowed me to judge myself more introspectively and be proud of the incremental growth I have achieved up to this point. I look forward to what is to come." - Vishnu R.


Let's Start Now!

If you want to invest in more of your untapped potential & possibility, then let's chat! I can help make your dreams happen.  


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